Sådan aktiveres eller deaktiveres meddelelser fra Windows Security Center

Windows Security sender meddelelser med vigtige oplysninger om din enheds sundhed og sikkerhed. Du kan angive, hvilke informationsmeddelelser du ønsker. I dette indlæg viser vi dig, hvordan du aktiverer eller deaktiverer meddelelser fra Windows Security Center(enable or disable Notifications from the Windows Security Center) i Windows 10.

Aktiver eller deaktiver meddelelser fra Windows Security Center

Fra og med  Windows 10  version 1709 kan du aktivere politikken Skjul ikke-kritisk meddelelse(Hide non-critical notification) eller Skjul alle meddelelser(Hide all notifications) .

Skjul ikke-kritiske meddelelser(Hide non-critical notification)  – Hvis aktiveret, vises kun kritiske meddelelser fra Windows Security . Lokale(Local) brugere vil kun se kritiske meddelelser fra Windows Defender Security Center . De vil ikke se andre typer meddelelser, såsom almindelige pc- eller enhedssundhedsoplysninger.

Skjul alle meddelelser(Hide all notifications)  – Hvis aktiveret, vil lokale brugere ikke se nogen meddelelser fra Windows Security . Dette vil tilsidesætte  politikken Skjul ikke-kritiske meddelelser(Hide non-critical notification)  .

Hvis du er bekymret over de meddelelser, der vil blive undertrykt, fordi du ikke vil gå glip af vigtige systemsikkerhedsmeddelelser, kan du se tabellen i slutningen af ​​dette indlæg for at vide, hvilke meddelelser der vil blive deaktiveret.

Aktiver eller deaktiver meddelelser fra Windows Security Center

Da dette er en registreringsoperation, anbefales det, at du  sikkerhedskopierer registreringsdatabasen(back up the registry)  eller  opretter et systemgendannelsespunkt  som nødvendige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger.

1] Aktiver(Enable) eller deaktiver ikke-kritiske meddelelser fra Windows-sikkerhed(Windows Security) ved hjælp af en REG -fil

For at aktivere(To enable) ikke-kritiske meddelelser fra Windows Security skal du gøre følgende:

  • Tryk  på Windows key + R  for at starte dialogboksen Kør.
  • I dialogboksen Kør skal du skrive  notesblok(notepad)  og trykke på Enter for at åbne Notesblok.
  • Kopiér og indsæt syntaksen nedenfor i teksteditoren.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications]
  • Klik nu på  Fil-(File)  indstillingen i menuen, og vælg  knappen Gem som(Save As)  .
  • Vælg en placering (helst skrivebordet), hvor du vil gemme filen.
  • Indtast et navn med  filtypenavnet .reg  (f.eks.  Enable_NonCritical_Notification.reg ).
  • Vælg  Alle filer(All Files)  på   rullelisten Gem som type .(Save as type)
  • Dobbeltklik på(Double-click) den gemte .reg -fil for at flette den.
  • Hvis du bliver bedt om det, skal du klikke på  Run > Ja(Yes)  ( UAC ) >  Yes > OK  for at godkende fletningen.
  • Du kan nu slette .reg -filen, hvis du vil.

For at deaktivere(To disable) ikke-kritiske meddelelser fra Windows Security skal du gøre følgende:

  • Åbn Notesblok.
  • Kopiér og indsæt syntaksen nedenfor i teksteditoren.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications]
  • Gentag de samme trin som ovenfor, men i dette tilfælde skal du gemme reg-filen som Disable_NonCritical_Notification.reg .

2] Aktiver(Enable) eller deaktiver alle meddelelser(Disable All Notifications) fra Windows-sikkerhed(Windows Security) ved hjælp af en REG -fil

Gør følgende for at aktivere(To enable) Alle meddelelser fra Windows-sikkerhed(Windows Security) :

  • Tryk  på Windows key + R  for at starte dialogboksen Kør.
  • I dialogboksen Kør skal du skrive  notesblok(notepad)  og trykke på Enter for at åbne Notesblok.
  • Kopiér og indsæt syntaksen nedenfor i teksteditoren.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications]
  • Klik nu på  Fil-(File)  indstillingen i menuen, og vælg  knappen Gem som(Save As)  .
  • Vælg en placering (helst skrivebordet), hvor du vil gemme filen.
  • Indtast et navn med  filtypenavnet .reg  (f.eks.  Enable_All_Notification_WSC.reg ).
  • Vælg  Alle filer(All Files)  på   rullelisten Gem som type .(Save as type)
  • Dobbeltklik på(Double-click) den gemte .reg -fil for at flette den.
  • Hvis du bliver bedt om det, skal du klikke på  Run > Ja(Yes)  ( UAC ) >  Yes > OK  for at godkende fletningen.
  • Du kan nu slette .reg -filen, hvis du vil.

Gør følgende for at deaktivere(To disable) alle meddelelser fra Windows-sikkerhed(Windows Security) :

  • Åbn Notesblok.
  • Kopiér og indsæt syntaksen nedenfor i teksteditoren.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications]
  • Gentag de samme trin som ovenfor, men i dette tilfælde skal du gemme reg-filen som Disable_All_Notification_WSC.reg .


PurposeNotification textToast IdentifierCritical?
Network isolationYour IT administrator has caused Windows Defender to disconnect your device. Contact IT help desk.SENSE_ISOLATIONYes
Network isolation customizedCompany name has caused Windows Defender to disconnect your device. Contact IT help desk phone numberemail addressurl.SENSE_ISOLATION_CUSTOM (body)Yes
Restricted accessYour IT administrator has caused Windows Defender to limit actions on this device. Some apps may not function as expected. Contact IT help desk.SENSE_PROCESS_RESTRICTIONYes
Restricted access customizedCompany has caused Windows Defender to limit actions on this device. Some apps may not function as expected. Contact IT help desk.SENSE_PROCESS_RESTRICTION_CUSTOM (body)Yes
HVCI, driver compat check fails (upon trying to enable)There may be an incompatibility on your device.HVCI_ENABLE_FAILUREYes
HVCI, reboot needed to enableThe recent change to your protection settings requires a restart of your device.HVCI_ENABLE_SUCCESSYes
Item skipped in scan, due to exclusion setting, or network scanning disabled by adminThe Microsoft Defender Antivirus scan skipped an item due to exclusion or network scanning settings.ITEM_SKIPPEDYes
Remediation failureMicrosoft Defender Antivirus couldn’t completely resolve potential threats.CLEAN_FAILEDYes
Follow-up action (restart & scan)Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file name. Please restart and scan your device. Restart and scanMANUALSTEPS_REQUIREDYes
Follow-up action (restart)Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file. Please restart your device.WDAV_REBOOTYes
Follow-up action (Full scan)Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file. Please run a full scan of your device.FULLSCAN_REQUIREDYes
Sample submission promptReview files that Windows Defender will send to Microsoft. Sending this information can improve how Microsoft Defender Antivirus helps protect your device.SAMPLE_SUBMISSION_REQUIREDYes
OS support ending warningSupport for your version of Windows is ending. When this support ends, Microsoft Defender Antivirus won’t be supported, and your device might be at risk.SUPPORT_ENDINGYes
OS support ended, device at riskSupport for your version of Windows has ended. Microsoft Defender Antivirus is no longer supported, and your device might be at risk.SUPPORT_ENDED and SUPPORT_ENDED_NO_DEFENDERYes
Summary notification, items foundMicrosoft Defender Antivirus successfully took action on n threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned n times.RECAP_FOUND_THREATS_SCANNEDNo
Summary notification, items found, no scan countMicrosoft Defender Antivirus successfully took action on n threats since your last summary.RECAP_FOUND_THREATSNo
Summary notification, no items found, scans performedMicrosoft Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned n times.RECAP_NO THREATS_SCANNEDNo
Summary notification, no items found, no scansMicrosoft Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary.RECAP_NO_THREATSNo
Scan finished, manual, threats foundMicrosoft Defender Antivirus scanned your device at timestamp on date, and took action against threats.RECENT_SCAN_FOUND_THREATSNo
Scan finished, manual, no threats foundMicrosoft Defender Antivirus scanned your device at timestamp on date. No threats were found.RECENT_SCAN_NO_THREATSNo
Threat foundMicrosoft Defender Antivirus found threats. Get details.CRITICALNo
LPS on notificationMicrosoft Defender Antivirus is periodically scanning your device. You’re also using another antivirus program for active protection.PERIODIC_SCANNING_ONNo
Long running BaFSYour IT administrator requires a security scan of this item. The scan could take up to n seconds.BAFSNo
Long running BaFS customizedCompany requires a security scan of this item. The scan could take up to n seconds.BAFS_DETECTED_CUSTOM (body)No
Sense detectionThis application was removed because it was blocked by your IT security settingsWDAV_SENSE_DETECTEDNo
Sense detection customizedThis application was removed because it was blocked by your IT security settingsWDAV_SENSE_DETECTED_CUSTOM (body)No
Ransomware specific detectionMicrosoft Defender Antivirus has detected threats which may include ransomware.WDAV_RANSOMWARE_DETECTEDNo
ASR (HIPS) blockYour IT administrator caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this action. Contact your IT help desk.HIPS_ASR_BLOCKEDNo
ASR (HIPS) block customizedCompany caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this action. Contact your IT help desk.HIPS_ASR_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body)No
CFA (FolderGuard) blockControlled folder access blocked process from making changes to the folder pathFOLDERGUARD_BLOCKEDNo
Network protect (HIPS) network block customizedCompany caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this network connection. Contact your IT help desk.HIPS_NETWORK_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body)No
Network protection (HIPS) network blockYour IT administrator caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this network connection. Contact your IT help desk.HIPS_NETWORK_BLOCKEDNo
PUA detection, not blockedYour settings cause the detection of any app that might perform unwanted actions on your computer.PUA_DETECTEDNo
PUA notificationYour IT settings caused Microsoft Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device.PUA_BLOCKEDNo
PUA notification, customizedCompany caused Microsoft Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device.PUA_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body)No
Network isolation endedNo
Network isolation ended, customizedNo
Restricted access endedNo
Restricted access ended, customizedNo
Dynamic lock on, but bluetooth offNo
Dynamic lock on, bluetooth on, but device unpairedNo
Dynamic lock on, bluetooth on, but unable to detect deviceNo
NoPa or federated no helloNo
NoPa or federated hello brokenNo

Ovenstående tabel er hentet fra Microsoft .

About the author

Jeg er professionel computertekniker og har over 10 års erfaring inden for området. Jeg har specialiseret mig i Windows 7 og Windows Apps udvikling, samt Cool Websites design. Jeg er ekstremt vidende og erfaren på området, og vil være et værdifuldt aktiv for enhver organisation, der ønsker at vokse deres forretning.

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